2 Weeks

Last weekend we went back to Wilson's Botanic Gardens in Berwick to take the dog for a walk.  It had been two weeks since we'd last been there, and the changes to the park in that short space of time was remarkable.  Two weeks go it was 23 C, last weekend it was 28.  The trees that were covered in flowers were now covered in leaves, and the trees that were just sticks were now covered in flowers.  They're gradual differences when you're not really paying attention, but comparing side by side the change is very apparent.

It's also been two weeks since my husband decided to quit his job.  He'd been contemplating it for awhile, but finally had enough and turned in his notice.  Monday marked his first day of "retirement".  It's a change for sure, but hopefully, like spring, another two weeks will bring us some good changes too.
2 weeks ago the pink flowers weren't in bloom
2 weeks ago this stunning tree was bare
2 weeks ago this tree was covered in white flowers
2 weeks ago these leaves didn't exist
2 weeks ago this silly dog wasn't afraid to walk on the chicken wire!
2 weeks ago this baby duck was half this size and wouldn't leave his mom's watchful eye
2 weeks ago the lilies weren't in bloom 
2 weeks ago this turtle wasn't here!
2 weeks ago this tree had no leaves
2 weeks ago this tree was covered in dark pink flowers


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