Mossman Gorge and the Atherton Tablelands

It was a bit rainy during our stay in Port Douglas so I figured we'd have an easy day and go have a picnic in Mossman Gorge where the weather was better.  We took the bus from the visitors' centre into the park and started walking along the trail.  When we got to a lookout over the Mossman River we were rewarded with the beautiful view.  The river was stacked with numerous large boulders and the water bounced around against them.
Mossman River
Mossman River
Phil's parents enjoying the Gorge
From there we decided to do the 2 km walk around the surrounding rain forest, and set off on the trail.  It was a beautiful walk; giant trees tangled together, huge boulders, lots of moss, ferns, and mosquitos.  We walked, and walked, and walked.  It was the longest 2 km I had ever walked - I'm pretty sure the distance was wrong.  it was a really pretty walk though and Phil's parents really enjoyed it.  So much for a relaxing day though!
pretty moss 
pretty path
pretty rocks
pretty freest - three of them - all wrapped up together
 That evening we checked out one of Port Douglas's most exciting attractions - the Cane Toad Races! $5 got us admission to the back of a sketchy bar where we watched tourists from all over the world try to race cane toads by blowing at them with straws.  I'm sure the cane toads loved it.  These toads were brought over to Australia to eat the cane beetles, except that they can't jump very high and therefore have a hard time actually getting to the beetles.  Nothing in Australia eats them and their poison glands tend to kill things that try so they've multiplied to the point that there are more than 200  million around the country now.  Good job to whoever thought it was a good idea to bring them over.

On our way out of Port Douglas we stopped at Four Mile Beach to enjoy the view.  It didn't disappoint.
Four Mile Beach
Four Mile Beach
Then we drove inland through the Atherton Tablelands.  It was a rainy morning, so a good day to be inside the car.  We stopped for lunch at Tarzali Lakes and went for a very wet walk to see if we could spot some platypus in the wild.  We've tried a few times now to see them, but have always been told they are really shy and avoid humans.  According to this guy the key to seeing them was to talk constantly and their curiosity would bring them out into the open.  I was a bit skeptical, but 10 minutes later one popped its head up to check us out.  He didn't get particularly close, but I think it was good enough to check that one off the list.
bonus turtle
After that, we drove on to see the Waterfall Circuit.  First up was Millaa Milla falls.  It was stunning, and definitely worth mucking through the rain to see.  

Millaa Millaa Falls

Just down the road was Zillie Falls, another spectacular sight.

Zillie Falls
Finally we stopped to see Ellinjaa Falls.  There were a few others in the area, but after seeing these three stunning waterfalls we were happy and ready to call it a day.
Ellinjaa Falls


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