An open letter of apology to Murray the cat

Dear Murray,
Let us begin with a heartfelt “We are sorry” that we have invaded your house, and brought our dog and cat with us.

Our dog Maybe wants nothing but the best for you. She wishes that you could be best friends with her and spend the afternoons watching TLC and Animal Planet together. She has a hard time comprehending why you are so averse to this. When you stare at her from behind the gate she just wishes you would jump over so she can frolic with you and possibly chew on your ears or tail.

The cat, George, thinks he is prettier than you, so it's probably best just to ignore him and don't let him bother you.

Thank you for your patience. We realize this is a difficult situation that you have been thrust into without your prior knowledge or consent and we appreciate all of your efforts.

Warmest Regards,
The Richardsons


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