Lost in translation

I made an interesting discovery while Phil was visiting. I was introducing him to all of the dogs we are staying with, specifically one named Molly. We were talking to her and petting her, and her owner looked at us and said, "Who's Molly?" We looked at the dog and looked at her and asked what the dog's name was. She said Molly. I said right, Molly. She said no, M-A-R-L-E-Y (except it still sounded exactly the same as Molly). So apparently I had been calling Marley Molly for three weeks because I couldn't understand the different through the accent. It was quite an amusing discovery.

Then Phil and I were watching tv and the announcer said, "up next, the movie Molly and Me." I asked Phil what movie that was because I'd never heard of it, until we both realized it was probably Marley and me. Bingo.

It's funny how different the pronounciations are here, when words end in A they add an R (like Suzanner), and words like NO have extra vowels in them (sounds like niaow). When they start talking fast, it's almost impossible to understand more than a couple words. It really does sound like a completely different language.

*** This just in. Apparently people named Sharon are called Shaza, Barry - Baza, and Karen - Kaza. Not sure how that makes any sense.


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