Maybe Jezabel

This month is Maybe's 5th birthday, and seeing as she has a blog and an etsy store named after her I figured it was time for a dog blog.  Please forgive me for the copious amount of adorable pictures but as you can see we are quite obsessed with our Maybe Jezabel.
Maybe at 7 weeks.

Her first walk in Utah where we got her.

Just after her ears came up.  Only one came up at first and I was worried she had a defective ear.  Phil still laughs at me about that one.

Puppy bath time!

Maybe's first swim.  It was not exactly planned - she was frolicking with my parents' dog Sheba, fell down the small waterfall, and got stuck in a whirlpool at the bottom.  Fortunately Phil was there to pull her out.

Digging at the property in the mountains

After her first waterfall adventure we made sure she learned how to swim.  At first she didn't like it but with Phil swimming beside her soon she learned to love it.  She even out swam a Portugese Water Dog once.

Maybe with her bff Sheba (my parents' dog) at the Padres Dog Days of Summer baseball game.

Hanging out with her other bff WInston (my parents' cat).  Whenever Maybe would stay with my parents we would get random pictures like this but no one ever seemed to know how she got there...
Another picture from the adventures in Maybesitting.  Apparently she was jealous of Winston's stripes.  We also were sent a picture of her sitting on the grill of a bbq.
She and Winston would get exhausted chasing each other around the yard.
Of course she also gets exhausted doing just about anything else.  As does Phil.  In fact, out of the five living creatures in this house I'm often the only one awake on a Sunday afternoon.
Maybe loves watching Phil do triathlons.  This is from the first one he did, she really wanted to go swimming with him.
Maybe loves to go camping.  Except she is terrified of campfires.  I think she was traumatised while man camping.
She was not very impressed when I got her dog shoes.  She flat out refused to walk in them.
Napping with another bff, our cat George.
This picture was taken after we told Maybe we were moving to Australia.  She and George had to go through a six month quarantine process to move here, including 30 days in doggie jail once they flew over.
Here's the kennel she flew over in.  She, George, and Phil were on the same flight but the animals got taken to doggie jail right after they landed.  We could only visit them twice a week so it was a huge relief when they finally got out.
She learned to love Australia.  These are all animals i bought for the guest room that she decided would be her toys.

Last year we got her a kitten named Lucy.  It took them about 30 minutes to decide that they would be friends.
All three of them get along really well now and love helping me with my sewing projects.
She also really loves treats - this is her "pretty" trick that she always does for a treat when we leave.

She might live in a different country now but she still loves triathlons.  In fact, she's an ironpup now.  She's gone through two Ironman triathlons and countless shorter ones also.

They really wear her out though.

But then again, everything wears her out.


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